
Create New Lift Offer/Request

Create Lift

If you have booked on a Rivendell retreat you can use this page to offer or request a lift. Not only does this help reduce transport costs, lower carbon emissions and free up our car park, it's also a great way to spend time with another retreatant!

Lifts Offered/Requested


Lift Type: request

Event: Dhyana through the Body (Starts: Fri 6 Dec 2024)

If anyone is travelling down in a car from London and I could hop in that would be amazing.

Otherwise a lift from the local station would also be great.



Date Posted: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 09:27

Joel, Karunanatha, and Nick

Lift Type: request

Event: Dhyana through the Body (Starts: Fri 6 Dec 2024)

From either Uxfield or Buxted to the retreat centre; have not booked train tickets yet, but aiming to arrive at one of those stations around 430 pm.

Date Posted: Monday, September 30, 2024 - 15:56