Wolf at the Door: Deep Listening

This retreat is suitable for those who have a regular meditation practice and who regularly attend retreats, a centre or a group within the context of the Triratna Buddhist Community. You will also need to be familiar with, and happy to participate in, Triratna Buddhist devotional practice and ritual (puja), be comfortable with extended periods of sitting meditation and the possibility on some retreats of periods spent in silence.

(John O’Donohue) used to say that one of the necessary tasks is this radical letting alone of yourself and the world — letting the world speak in its own voice and letting this deeper sense of yourself speak out

- David Whyte

Wolf at the Door offers a friendly and nurturing way of exploring the imagination through writing, with the help of a little meditation and, sometimes, ritual. No writing experience is necessary, just a willingness to step through a door into new creative spaces, accompanied by experienced guides. 

Our lives are often so full of input that it can be hard to hear the inner voices in us that want to speak. On this long weekend we invite you to stop and listen! Join us in exploring this theme - a willingness to be open without preconceptions, to ourselves, to each other and to the rich sensory arisings that we call "the world".

As ever on our retreats, a variety of exercises will provide jumping-off points - whether through our own writing, reading other writers, or listening deeply to each other. There will be meditation, ritual, and free time to relax and reflect. Oh, and not a few surprises along the way!

Covid-secure requirements

We are no longer asking each retreatant to take a lateral flow test before travelling to Rivendell, but we are asking that they bring a test with them in case they fall ill whilst here.

We want those that come to Rivendell to be confident that we are making their stay here as safe as possible.

Concession information

Rivendell has a concessionary rate available for most of its retreats. If you are in need of further financial assistance to help enable you to come on retreat here, please do consider writing to our office team via bookings@rivendellretreatcentre.com explaining your circumstances.

Cancellation policy

All deposit amounts are non-refundable and non-transferable in all circumstances. 

If you wish to cancel your place on a retreat, we require a minimum notice of 4 calendar weeks before a retreat is due to take place.

If you cancel more than 6 calendar weeks before a retreat is due to take place you will receive a refund of all but the deposit amount, if you have paid in full.

If you cancel between 6 and 4 calendar weeks before the retreat is due to take place and we can't replace you, you will be required to pay half the total cost of the retreat.

If you cancel less than 4 calendar weeks before the retreat is due to take place then any refund will be at Rivendell’s discretion, depending on the circumstances.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel, as there may be other people waiting for a place on the retreat to become available. The refund amount will still depend on whether we can fill your space.

Suitable to anyone with at least 6 months experience of meditation and ritual within Triratna, including familiarity with both the metta bhavana and the mindfulness of breathing.

Retreat Leaders: 
Padmacandra and Vishvantara
Single Room Availability: 
Sorry, but the single room is not available on this retreat now
Date: Friday, May 2, 2025 to Monday, May 5, 2025

Prices for this event are: £289 - £259 (Conc)

Selected Price: 