Intensive Meditation Retreats

See also our full retreat calendar.

A Gesture of Awakening (fortnight retreat) 26th Jul - 9th Aug 2024 Paramananda Retreat Full

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Simply Being (with Tejananda) 9th Feb - 16th Feb 2024 Tejananda Retreat Full

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Following the White Deer 8th Mar - 15th Mar 2024 Paramananda and Nagasiddhi Retreat Full

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The River Underground 29th Nov - 6th Dec 2024 Paramananda and Mandarava Retreat Full

- Waiting list available

Emotional Intelligence – How to Work with Negative Emotions (Residential) 31st May - 7th Jun 2024 Vessantara and Ambaranta Retreat Full

- Waiting list available

Dhyana through the Body 6th Dec - 13th Dec 2024 Tejananda Retreat Full

- Waiting list available

Emotional Intelligence – How to Work with Negative Emotions (Online) 1st Jun - 6th Jun 2024 Vessantara, Ambaranta and Vijayamala (Online Host) Retreat Full

- Waiting list available

The Beautiful Mind 11th Oct - 18th Oct 2024 Vajradevi Spaces
Simply Being 10th Feb - 17th Feb 2023 Tejananda Retreat Full

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Uncontrived Mindfulness 17th Feb - 24th Feb 2023 Vajradevi Spaces